Thursday, September 29, 2011

magic carpet 2 review::A friend of mine who also likes old games made an interesting point a few days back when randomly talking about old games magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review

magic carpet 2 review::A friend of mine who also likes old games made an interesting point a few days back when randomly talking about old games.
Gaming used to have a more confined audience, and developers could get away with being wildly eccentric and strange.
Thus you had games which were, to wit, wildly eccentric and strange.
And just about every mainstream game is like a hollywood blockbuster.
They have massive budgets and cast their nets wide, the problem is however that due to trying to appeal to the most common person, they leave out creativity and ingenuity, and we get the same old stuff rehashed.
And they feel they need to do that in order to justify their aforementioned massive budget.
So they cast their nets ever wider.
This is something that both independent and small scale studios have figured out.
I go back to the days of gaming yore because there are games that appeal to me.
But then, what do we see independentss doing?
Look at stuff like amnesia and dear esther, look at vvvvvv and creavures, are these really games which have a broad base of interest?
So i disagree with ea.
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